Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Weep for the Rich

I just read an article in the New York Times by Christine Haughney called, "It's Not So Easy Being Less Rich". I feel so bad for these people she writes about. People who are bent out of shape cause they used to make 8 million dollars and now have to make ends meet with 2 million or having to make due with 8 million instead of 20 million plus bonuses. Give me a break. I'm 49 years old, have worked my butt off most my life in many different jobs trying to support my family and I have never ever earned over $25,000. Now I'm disabled and in the process of waiting three years to get through the process of getting disability to get around $700 a month, in the mean time my two boys and I have to survive on public assistance for food and medical and $354 cash we receive from child support. A million dollars would last me the rest of my life living well, in fact my two boys and I could probably live comfortably on the interest from a million dollars.

Of the things Christine writes about, the rich are gaining weight from the stress and not being able to afford personal trainers for $600 to $800 a month, having to cut back on $350 highlights and $150 haircuts, cutting back on jet rentals of $10,000 and hour, selling some of their extra 2 to 35 carat diamond rings and Rolexes that no one will notice, they are afraid their children will get snubbed when invitations to the right birthday parties are sent out, they are going into hock borrowing against their 2 million dollar art collections, having to fly charter jets instead of private jets or renting Beech jets and Learjets instead of Gulfstreams, and it's even affecting their marriages and sex life.

I don't know if I can fight back the depression from worrying about these people going through their bad luck, I will try. This really puts things in perspective, maybe the wealthy really do need the tax breaks that Bush and McCain want to continue giving them. What do you think?

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Northwoods Politic said...

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