Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Terrorism: n. violence committed to achieve a political end....

Wouldn't that be like if one country would invade another to spread democracy?

You know I just feel terrible for what America has done to Iraq. It started off with a farce of the twin towers that had nothing to do with Iraq, moved to weapons of mass destruction that never were, to mission accomplished that never was. From pictures of Iraq it looks like we have totally demolished their infrastructure, city buildings, roads, utilities and this is what we do to people we supposedly save? People we want to push democracy on?

Bush still goes on about the progress we have made in Iraq, but unless our objective is to totally flatten all of Iraq, I don't see it. 2007 was the worse year since the beginning of the war for American casualties, the number of dead Americans now about 4000, Iraqi deaths over 1 million. There has been a lull in deaths of Iraqis, and of coarse Bush takes credit there, but from what I've read this has more to do with the different factions separating themselves from each other than an improvement in political processes. The amount of money spent on the war could have took care of many of our domestic problems, health care, education, housing, just think what kind of America we could have if we invested the kind of money we have threw away in a five year war where we are no better off, and in a lot of ways worse off, then we were when we first invaded Iraq.

The media is doing a grave disservice to the American people, there is hardly any coverage of the protests against this war and the present administration. Not only does this affect the people's will by letting them know that they are not alone in their objections of the way things are run, but it give the wrong impression to foreign people and governments that the American people are alright with the way the government is going, when there is really in reality a small percentage of Americans that back the president's vision of what we are doing in Iraq. The news paper that stands above the rest in exposing Bush and his administration's illegal activities is the New York Times. I bet Bush and Chaney hate the New York Times. In fact many times after an illegal activity has been exposed the Bush administration has been more upset about the fact that someone leaked the story than that illegal activities are going on.

What really gets me is how a president or administration can openly disregard laws and pick and choose what laws they want to follow. It disappoints me that the congress can call out these abuses, but the DOJ can decide that it's not going to push the issues or enforce the laws. What good are laws in this case? What did our veterans fight for if it wasn't our ideals and rights granted by our constitution? Where is the America for the common person, and what are the rules?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What is Wrong With America

It's really hard to understand what is wrong with America. Water boarding and some of the other stuff we have done to prisoners since 9/11 are definitely torture. How Bush and everyone of the Republicans other than 3 can all vote against having laws against water boarding I do not know.

The reports about what Bush and others in his administration have publicly said even after knowing that what they were saying were not true.

All the illegal spying through the phone companies, the Internet Service Providers, the illegal use of NSA letters to libraries, banks, and other businesses that hold people's private information.

Bush having political appointees in all areas of government censoring any and all reports going out of these agencies. Cutting back on budgets for oversight personal and other agencies like the FDA and Social Security Disability so much that they can not carry on their sorely needed duties such as inspecting and overseeing their processes and procedures.

Disclosing CIA operatives names.

Running out un-Republican Federal Attorneys and replacing them with Republicans who are loyal to the party.

An illegal war costing up resources and billions, 4,000 US solders dead, millions of Iraqis. A whole country leveled and torn apart. High gas prices here at home.

Missing emails, videos, pretty much everything that could be used as evidence to what's be going on through out out our country.

Just what does the rest of America think by leaving this administration in power for any amount of time? Why isn't there charges being filed, and people held accountable?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Big Thank You to the Telecommunication Companies

According to President Bush we need to thank the telecommunication companies for their involvement in the illegal intelligence gathering by agencies under the Bush Administration. Well here goes.

A big thank you to all the telecommunication companies who complied with the illegal requests to turn over customer records to the government. Thank you for going against your own end user agreements and customer contracts stating that you would protect my privacy and information unless confronted with legal warrants to turn over said information. Thank you for giving me the assurances that your end user agreements are legal binding contracts between your company and myself or my business, it's good to know that I am held accountable to such agreements, but you are not. Thanks for trying to stifle and protect me from any information that would come out in a court hearing that might influence me to take my business elsewhere, perhaps to another company that didn't roll over when presented with illegal requests for their customer information. Thank you for the peace of mind that I have for trusting you and taking you at your word that my private conversations were that, private. Thank you for the scrutiny that my searches, inquiries and conversations into current events were put under to gauge my patriotism. Thank you for laying out any information you might have that could be taken in such a way as to subject me to possibly be held in secret prisons for years at a time without being charged with a crime. Thank you for driving up the cost of business by encouraging private face to face meetings to discuss sensitive issues because your networks can not be trusted. Thank you for the warm feelings of the publics trust in big businesses. Thank you for the assurances that we have nothing to fear from rouge political agendas and our government in general. A big thank you for letting us know where we stand in this Democratic society where we are mistakenly under the impression that our country is run under rules and laws that protect the individual against the special interests of government or big business. Thank you for giving us faith in the laws of our country.