Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Excuses not to Impeach Bush

This is a response to an article I read off a web site called The Daily Kos written by Kevin Holsinger, Tuesday June 10th, 2008, titled, I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because...

Read Kevin's Article Here

At first while when I started reading through the article, I was under the impression that these were Kevin's views on the subject, but reading on through the rest of the article and some of the responses that he got and addressed after the article was posted, he clarifies that this is not the case. In fact Kevin states, “I support impeachment, doomed or not.”

I couldn't help but comment and give argument to the reasons Keven listed to support why, I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because... Right or wrong I decided to go through Keven's points of argument from my Wisconsin Northwoods perspective.

I believe we should let George Bush get away with breaking the law because...

  1. the attempt to hold him accountable has unscrupulous motivations.

    Yes, what could be more unscrupulous than protecting and upholding the constitution?

  2. the attempt to hold him accountable diverts people's much-needed attention to getting a Democrat in the White House.

    This might bite you in the ass in the long run. Stay the coarse of not bringing up or supporting the impeaching of President Bush, no matter what the growing, undeniable facts are that are piling up show, and there is a good chance that people will start to see this is it is, a spineless, politicized excuse for not wanting to make waves during an upcoming presidential election. Democrats in office are betting that the people will act less negatively to a subject not brought up then they will to congress actually taking initiative to do their jobs.

  3. the attempt to hold him accountable should have been made long ago, and since it wasn't, it's now most likely useless.

    Yes the attempt should have been made long ago, but that's no excuse for not standing up and doing the right thing still. Before the last elections there was a Republican majority in control that wouldn't allow articles of impeachment to proceed any way. What signal or deterrent do we send to future administrations if we don't hold George Bush accountable for his crimes? There might still be too much opposition, but wouldn't it look better on your records to show that you at least tried to do your constitutional duties while in office?

  4. the attempt to hold him accountable will play into the media's desire to not focus on things that matter, which impeaching Bush doesn't qualify as.

    What is more important than getting a criminal who continues to break laws as he is getting called on them, out of public office? Here is a person who probably didn't even earn the honor of being president with all the questionable acts that reportedly happened around the polls during the national elections and after. He's taken us into war with questionable motives and intelligence. He's broke all kinds of federal and international laws and agreements such as torture, holding people prisoner for years without charges, spying and creating data banks on American citizens, the list goes on and on. Doesn't qualify as things that matter???

  5. the attempt to hold him accountable means nothing unless you go after other people first.

    Wouldn't it be possible to go after as many people as are relevant?

  6. the attempt to hold him accountable isn't realistic.

    Isn't it realistic to have faith that the laws of our country will be carried out, enforced, and applied equally no matter who you are or how much money you have or don't have?

  7. the attempt to hold him accountable won't get enough Republican supporters.

    Same as mentioned in answer to question 3. Wouldn't it look better on your records to show that you at least tried to do your constitutional duties while in office?

  8. the attempt to hold him accountable is being led by someone that people like to make fun of.

    So if you are so much more respected, jump on board. It's a good cause, it's what you should do, uphold the constitution and to do your constitutional duties. Lend your credibility to the cause.

  9. the attempt to hold him accountable is about dwelling on the past.

    These things are still going on right now as we speak, Bush is still breaking laws, still stonewalling congressional investigations, still claiming that we don't torture, but reserve the right to torture, still illegally tapping lines of the American people and building data bases. These are all issues of the present not the past.

  1. the attempt to hold him accountable would upset a sizable portion of Americans who wouldn't like that a President they (allegedly) elected and then (allegedly) re-elected is now facing impeachment.

    I'm not positive, but I think the numbers doesn't support this claim.

  2. the attempt to hold him accountable wouldn't be as useful as waiting for Barack Obama to maybe become President so he could maybe investigate Bush then.

    Bush needs to be held accountable no matter who wins the presidential elections. This would essentially pass the buck from the people who should have been addressing this issue in the past, passing the buck from those who should be taking on this issue now. This would also leave a very dangerous man in office for another 6 months, a man who could still do grave damage to American's rights, America's economy, America's reputation, a person who even now is carrying out plans of ramping up to gain support with the claims that Iran also needs to be invaded to stop their nuclear weapons of mass destruction... Didn't we learn anything from the current war with Iraq?

  3. the attempt to hold him accountable would make the Republicans want to illegitimately impeach a future Democratic President, and the warfare between the parties would never end.

    What planet are you living on? The warfare between parties will never end, both parties are way more interested in doing things to promote their party above things that would help the general population. Any impeachment should be done on legitimate standing, whether the subject of impeachment is Democratic or Republican, the articles of fact should dictate the end result.

  4. the attempt to hold him accountable would suck up money that, without a doubt, our Legislative Branch would use to fix our broken infrastructure.

    Much better that our monetary resources be spent on investigating steroids in baseball or taping during football games. The money that is spent getting a corrupt politician out of office is probably just a small portion compared to the money we have been spending and getting ripped off by the dubious accountability of bid less contracts, reconstruction in Iraq, or in other corrupted areas of our government.

  5. the attempt to hold him accountable would suck up time that, without a doubt, our Legislative Branch would use to deal with other issues of importance...time that also can't be split between holding Bush accountable and tackling these issues.

    In my opinion that time has been pretty wasted already since we put a Democratic majority in the house and senate. Instead of tackling the important issues right away, they have been spinning their wheels getting no where because of not having enough votes to override presidential vetoes. If we wouldn't have a secretive administration that is more concerned with keeping information from the American public to protect their ass, it might be a lot easier to address these other issues that are not going anywhere with or without impeachment proceedings going on.

  6. the attempt to hold him accountable is only supported by left wing extremists.

    I think again and again at town halls across the country have in frustration, because their federal government is broken, passed their own articles of impeachment. I don't think this statement can be true unless you label a large majority of the American public as left wing extremists, which by virtue of being a majority, would not define them as left wing, which would mean that the politicians going against the majority would be better deserving of the tile of extremists.

  7. the attempt to hold him accountable is really pointless since he's leaving anyway, and what matters is that he's not around to commit any more crimes, not whether or not he committed crimes in the past.

    I beg to differ here. If we as a country allow Bush and other people in his administration to go without being held accountable, we send a message to future administrations of being compliant and gullible.

  8. the attempt to hold him accountable would be used to the advantage of the pro-Bush media.

    The world is a changing.

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