Sunday, January 20, 2008

The System is Down

I really don't understand what's wrong with everyone. These last couple of terms that Bush has been in office have been just unbelievable as far as constitutional rights the American people have lost. Our current administration has pretty much done what ever they wanted, even as the shady deals they were doing were being reported on the television, the radio, newspapers, and the Internet. After the last presidential elections we find out that through trickery and deceit the republicans stolen the elections both by getting people (democrats) taken off lists of of eligible voters, and intimidating other whole groups of people who would have probably tended to vote for democrats. The American people got confusing ballots, voting machines that didn't work properly and didn't have paper records to give an accounting of votes made on them, people intercepting voters on the way to the polls to discourage certain demographic groups of people from voting, voting laws changed to favor one party over another, absentee votes not counted or taken into account. During the last election in places where the president campaigned for reelection, anyone known to be against his objectives and policies, people with signs, posters, or t-shirts, that did not agree with the president's views, or anyone that seemed like they would speak up against the president's policies were barred or removed from the area, arrested if necessary to keep them out of earshot, eyesight and keep their messages from being shown on cameras at his conventions. This was done to try to give the illusion of how well the president was doing, by showing that there was hardly anyone in opposition to the president. Once in power republicans banded together to pretty much rubber stamp any thing the president wanted. Information out now suggests that the administration has in the past encouraged torture, or at least turned a blind eye to it. People in the USA and in other countries were whisked off the streets and taken to third world countries secret prisons, where they do believe in torture and they have been locked up without any charges being brought against them or any contact with their families to even as much to let them know if they are dead or alive for years. We as a country are being forced to ride along with the Bush administration as it runs the good name of America down in the eyes of the other countries in the world. I think it's in Germany that US CIA agents are charged with picking up people on their streets and sending them away to secret prisons. As word gets out that the US used water boarding, a form of torture, our president Bush appears on our TVs and tells us, the United States doesn't torture prisoners. If I could ask Mr. Bush a question, it would be, just what do you classify torture as, when prisoners die? Even that wouldn't be truthful as there has been many prisoners that have died as a result of being captured by us and our "aggressive interrogations". There probably is and will be many more prisoners though that will be marred mentally forever from their ordeals of being a captured prisoner of the US. Many of these prisoners are innocent. How many movies and books have told the story of innocent people persecuted who go back for revenge against the people who wronged them? That's us, US that has wronged them. Could it be that we are breeding the next generation of terrorists? Speaking of terrorists, the Webster's Pocket Dictionary defines terrorism as n. violence committed to achieve a political end. It defines Terrorize vt. to terrify, especially by acts of violence; to intimidate through terrorism. Now didn't Bush with an arsenal of mostly lies and bent truths lead our country into war, without an act of congress and without the support of the United Nations, invade Iraq with their "Shock and Awe" attack, with the intentions of securing our oil interests, er I mean to save the Iraqi people and advance the ideology of democracy to the middle east? Couldn't that be an act of terrorism? What about the way that we are trying to advance democracy by bombing the hell out of places of resistance members that don't agree with our plans on how to run their country? Are we trying to Terrorize them into submission? At this point in time who are the terrorists? But wait, that's not all, there are missing emails from the White House that just seem to coincide with dates of the CIA agent's name being leaked and deliberations about going to war in Iraq, they just conveniently got taped over because they were reused. Or the video tapes that the CIA had, on the interrogations of prisoners thought to be conspirators of 9/11, that just happened not to get mentioned through multiple committee investigations and now we know about them, but it is after they have been destroyed. Children's health care, economy stimulus payments, the lists just go on and on. Why didn't the democrats start impeachment and criminal proceedings when they took over being the majority in office? Why do we let such a lying crook get away with all this? Like we started impeachment proceedings on Bill Clinton pretty much cause he couldn't keep his pecker in his pants, but someone who lies, obstructs the constitution, starts illegal wars, creates secret prisons, and whisks people out of their sovereign countries and the speaker of the house and our newly elected members of congress says impeachment is off the table. I think it is owed to the American people to put impeachment back on the table. Who in the government will stand up for our constitutional rights?

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I am starting this blog to vent my frustrations, disbeliefs, and outright anger about our government, the audacity of its actions, the excuses it gives for these actions and the placidity of the masses to accept it all.