Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What is Wrong With America

It's really hard to understand what is wrong with America. Water boarding and some of the other stuff we have done to prisoners since 9/11 are definitely torture. How Bush and everyone of the Republicans other than 3 can all vote against having laws against water boarding I do not know.

The reports about what Bush and others in his administration have publicly said even after knowing that what they were saying were not true.

All the illegal spying through the phone companies, the Internet Service Providers, the illegal use of NSA letters to libraries, banks, and other businesses that hold people's private information.

Bush having political appointees in all areas of government censoring any and all reports going out of these agencies. Cutting back on budgets for oversight personal and other agencies like the FDA and Social Security Disability so much that they can not carry on their sorely needed duties such as inspecting and overseeing their processes and procedures.

Disclosing CIA operatives names.

Running out un-Republican Federal Attorneys and replacing them with Republicans who are loyal to the party.

An illegal war costing up resources and billions, 4,000 US solders dead, millions of Iraqis. A whole country leveled and torn apart. High gas prices here at home.

Missing emails, videos, pretty much everything that could be used as evidence to what's be going on through out out our country.

Just what does the rest of America think by leaving this administration in power for any amount of time? Why isn't there charges being filed, and people held accountable?

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