Saturday, May 17, 2008

News Shorts

News Shorts

This week I have found a few things I have issue with. First off there are a couple of quotes from our King George. Yes that's right, I said king instead of president, but the way I see it he acts more like a king than a president, a president that has been sworn in to serve the American people and up hold the constitution:

"It's this ideological struggle against cold blooded killers who kill people to achieve their political agenda." - King George

This was the king's statement in talking about his terrorist enemies, but couldn't it also be true in describing the actions of the king himself? How many Americans and Iraqis have died since we have overthrown Saddam to "free" the people of that country? How many prisoners have died from the torture and inhuman treatment they had suffered as a result of being captured by American forces?

"They can't stand to live in a free society, that's why they try to fight free societies" - King George

Another quote from King George. Again, oh how I would love to ask him how he can say something like this when he has been the one of the most secretive presidents. Secret wire tapping, secret data bases on Americans, secret prisons to hold prisoners without rights or charges for years at a time... What about white house emails? Why can't we ask questions of former aids? Why can't people sue telecommunication companies? Can you see who is fighting against a free society? A hint: You don't have to go as far as overseas.

Bush and Oil

After talking to the Saudi leaders about getting more oil produced to help lower oil and gas prices in America, King George is said that he was going to, "take the explanation back to his own experts and see if it conforms.." What does Bush figure that is going to do? If his experts have a different conclusion are we going to invade yet another country? Such a silly man.

Arlen Specter

He's at it again, wanting a congressional investigation on the Patriots video taping opposing football teams to gain an advantage. Just like the investigation into baseball... Tell me, what does this have to do with the running of our government? What difference is it to me, or millions of other Americans if the Patriots video taped the other teams? I'm not trying to excuse them if they did, but wouldn't they be breaking a league rule, not a federal offense? Shouldn't it be up to the league to investigate a matter such as this and to take the necessary steps to enforce their own rules? It just doesn't seem like the tax payers should have to pay for investigations of sports teams or individuals, it has nothing to do with our government. With there being so many other, more important things that tax payer money could be spent on, what is the justification to spend it investigating professional sports, an organization that has plenty of money to be investigating its issues itself should it choose to do so.

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