Saturday, February 16, 2008

Will the House Stand Up?

It was finally a pleasant change to see that the House members did not cave in on the FISA bill. I hope that they keep from granting immunity to the major telecoms for going along with an illegal request to turn over everyone's phone records. Now something that I haven't seen since the House took the action of going on recess without voting on the revisions to the FISA or Protect America bill, it would be interesting to see if that one event had any effect on the public opinion polls. It will be interesting to see if anything becomes of their new powers to enforce their subpoenas now. It would sure be nice to see some justice carried out in the government, it's long over due.

The baseball investigation is coming to an end, good thing, we don't really need to be using tax payer's money to get that straightened out. Just when a person thinks they may be done wasting money on things that don't pertain to the government, I wouldn't hold my breath. Look for possible upcoming investigations into video taping of opposing football teams signals, that would seem to be the next big major sports issue that people will want a congressional investigation on. Give me a break.

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